
TAP Members

TAP is a diverse group of U.S. citizens from around the world who possess a sense of civic duty, patriotism, and belief in an effective and well-regarded taxation system. We volunteer our time and energy to improve IRS services and taxpayer satisfaction.

Our Leadership

As members of TAP, we are committed to helping the IRS improve it services by performing grassroots outreach activities by which TAP members were able to identify many issues raised by taxpayers.

Debra Kurita

2024 TAP Chair

Debra Kurita

Ms. Kurita is a retired public administrator with about 40 years of local government management experience. In her most recent assignment, she served as the Interim Community Development Director for the City of Westminster, CA for just over a year.

Her career includes serving as City Manager in Alameda, Assistant City Manager for Santa Ana and San Bernardino, and Assistant Executive Officer for Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission. Debra was also on the team of seasoned professionals who helped the City of Bell recover and rebuild after the administrative and political scandal that scarred that community.

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Michelle Brookens

2024 TAP Vice Chair

Michelle Brookens

I’m a Business and Compliance Specialist for Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance in Springfield, IL, providing input in strategic planning and improvement of workforce services and guidance and direction to staff and partners regarding program compliance. I also audit Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Trade Agreement Act (TAA) files, update policies and procedures, and work with directors, monitors, staff, and others to assure guidelines are following the Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS), management, and reporting guidelines, and development of corrective plans. I prepare reports, RFTs, and gather statistics for CEOs, Workforce Board, annual reports, and other requests regarding program information, and conduct program monitoring of sub-grantees and internal compliance audits on funded projects. In addition, I review and approve training and work-based learning obligations and supportive service payments for participants, providing data to the fiscal office to ensure proper recording of grants for financial records and payment processing.

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Our Members

TAP is comprised of approximately 75 members who volunteer to serve a three-year term. The members represent U.S. citizens from all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and a member to represent U.S. Citizens living or working abroad. These volunteers generally spend between 200 and 300 hours per year on member activities that further TAP’s mission to improve the IRS.